Chronic fatigue, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), is a debilitating condition characterized by severe, persistent fatigue that cannot be alleviated by rest. It is a complex disorder with no known cause, making diagnosis and treatment challenging.
Chronic fatigue can feel like your body's battery is constantly low. Even after a good night's sleep, you might feel exhausted, and simple tasks can be draining.
Chronic fatigue syndrome often presents with additional symptoms, including:
There is no single test to diagnose CFS. Doctors use a process of elimination to rule out other potential causes of fatigue, such as:
The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome remains unknown. However, several theories exist:
There is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, many people can improve their quality of life through management strategies:
Living with chronic fatigue can be challenging. Support groups and online communities offer valuable connections with others facing similar experiences.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a legitimate medical condition. If you suspect you have CFS, consult your doctor. With appropriate support and management, you can improve your well-being.